
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Branding 10,000 Lakes" Project

Another great thing I heard about today on NPR is about a designer named Nicole Meyer who lives in Phoenix. Basically what this designer is doing is spending time each day to create a different logo, each day of a different Minnesota lake. I found it really inspiring that she is taking this on, and the idea that to do something like this each day means a lot of play, a lot of creativity, and the ability to realize that sometimes play is better than perfection. I think that as designers (or at least myself as a designer) its hard to ever feel done with a project. We could have all of the time in the world to design something, but at the end of the day you always feel like maybe if you move this here and maybe change this here that your design could be better. In fact, there are projects from 2 years ago that when I look at them again...I think man if only I'd done this! However, some of the most fun work I've ever done were projects I had to do in a day!

I remember there was one day my sophomore year in college in studio at NC State where our class was feeling drained and uninspired. So our professor decided to give us the 3 hour time slot to create one small project. It was fun, boosted my creativity and got me motivated to keep working on my longer, more in depth project. So check out Nicole's website on her project! Sometimes the best ideas and designs happen when playfulness is the key factor. (I would definitely suggest this if you have feel like you are having a 'design block').

designed by Nicole Meyer

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